Social Media Marketing for Fashion Brands – Looking to grow your brand?
Social Geeks understanding the consumer are key to growing your brand.
There is large number of fashion brands out there, but how do you make yourself stand out from the crowd? That is the real challenge. A good solution for this is deploying an effective social media marketing strategy.
Social Media Marketing for Fashion Industry
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Table of Contents
Social Media Marketing for Fashion Brands – Build a profitable business online
Today you’re going to see:
- How your brand can get seen and build trust
- How to promote a clothing business on social media
- How to make use modern and traditional promotional methods
Be Active on Social Media
Social media plays vital roles in the world of ecommerce, but it’s best for getting your brand seen by more people.
- When you’re seen by more people, you grow your following.
- When that following sees interesting content, they trust.
- When they trust, they visit your site or store.
- When they like what they see on your site, they buy.
The occasional tweet, regular Facebook posts and some great Insta-shots. Is that how you market your brand? Well, no wonder you’re not getting any sales…
Facebook Marketing – Engage Your Audience
Another way to build brand loyalty is to constantly engage with your target audience. This helps improve their perception of your brand and establishes a sense of community within the buyers and sellers.
The best way to make your engagement effective is to come up with campaigns that connect and resonate with your audience. For example, you could do so by running contests on Facebook and Instagram that highlight the shared values between your brand and the customers.
Instagram Marketing – Giveaways on Instagram
For the top-selling products, you can conduct a giveaway competition on Instagram.
Before the competition, they had roughly 100 followers on Instagram but after the competition, the number rose to 340 followers – a 60% increase. Such giveaway competitions may be done every alternate month or may even be organized monthly.
Content Blogging
Like You’re reading our blogs right now.
By providing an knowledgeable and informative blog, we’re building trust with you.
We discuss things that are happening in your industry and how they affect you.
Bonus: 5 “Must-Haves” For a Fashion Brands E-commerce Site
There are key features that apply to any e-commerce venture, of course, but when it comes to making money on fashion products there are five “must-have” things to include in your website:
- Best Photos
Good visuals are necessary for selling any product or service online, but they are particularly important for fashion and clothing websites. That’s because buyers want to get a sense of the way they will look after your products arrive. Custom photography can come at an extra cost but might offer big value if it leads to more purchases and fewer returns.
- A Great Internal Search Tool
There are a lot of different ways to sort clothing and accessories, whether it’s online or in a brick-and-mortar retail store. However, having what buyers want isn’t enough – customers may leave if they can’t find their preferred style, color, or size quickly enough. That’s why a great internal search engine that helps them locate what they want within your fashion e-commerce site could make a big difference in your sales figures.
- Targeted Search and Social Media Advertising
Every online store needs customers, and Google remains the most popular portal for attracting buyers to your website. Still, social media platforms can be just as important to fashion retailers, since it’s so easy to share photos, reviews, and online coupons. Search and social advertising could be just what you need to jump-start the marketing process quickly and affordably.
- Reviews from Customers
Unfortunately, most of us have had the experience of buying something online and regretting it later. Through that process, we learn that we can’t always trust things like product descriptions. What we do put more faith in, though, are the real-life reviews from other customers who are similar to us. By posting buyer feedback on your fashion brand website, and encouraging reviews, you generate more content for your pages and make it easier for customers to feel confident in their purchases.
- Product Guarantees
Speaking of confidence, it can be a bit unnerving to enter your credit card number on to an unknown website for the first time. A good way to calm your customers’ minds and worries are to offer money-back guarantees. When customers know they are safe doing business with you, it’s one less reason for them to abandon a purchase.
Social Media Marketing provides you with the right tools to engage with your audience, increase your brand awareness and maximize your profit along the way. You can also check the best social media campaigns in the fashion industry to be inspired.